Word of Encouragement

Are we supposed to take a risk? Jesus does. He takes s huge risk on Peter. Every trip to Jerusalem was a bit risky, and the last one cost him his life. Why did he do it? Why would he go to Jerusalem when He knew full well they would kill him. All risks have a cost. If we succeed, there is a benefit, a reward. If we fail, there is a loss. We all do a risk/reward analysis of situations before we act. Driving to work is a risk, but the reward (making money) is greater than the risk. So off to work we go. Playing a game, like football, has inherent risks. Those who play determine the reward is worth it. The first time someone falls in love is a bit risky, but love is strong and always seems to be worth the risk. Unless of course we have felt the pain of betrayal, then we start wondering if it is worth it. Stopping love because it is too risky would take quite a bit of loss. So did Jesus do a risk/reward when He decided to go to Jerusalem? He decided to go and was there crucified. Was that a success or a failure? It seems so crazy to us that the cross was the victory. I often wonder how strong the temptation was not to go. And what exactly was the reward for being killed? In His book, MAKE YOUR BED, McRaven challenges seal recruits to “dare greatly.” Jesus dares to be great and turns the whole understanding on it head. “Any who would dare to be great must become a servant of all.” I hope and pray you dare to be great today.

~Grace & Peace~
Pastor Ernie