Word of Encouragement

“I will praise the Lord who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.” Psalm 16:7 In His infinite wisdom, God knows that we need steady counsel, night and day. So He chooses to speak with those who praise Him. We all know we praise God in our song. we can also praise God in or prayers, our meditation, our awe. Yesterday we had to put down our little dog Prada. It was traumatic. I was privileged to watch my seven year old grandson Ezekiel do his very best to comfort his Mema and make her smile. Over the course of several hours he asked her again and again to watch him, to go for a walk, did she want a drink. Finally we all went for a walk in the rain and he sang and splashed and danced, all meant to make his Mema happy. When we go back, she was still sad and he asked if he could do anything more to make her happy. She said, “sometimes people are sad and it is ok to be sad.” With that he instantly started crying. His mema gave him permission to be sad.

Today I am praising God because I have a grandson who at seven years old knows a whole lot about putting other people first. That is worthy of praise.

~Grace & Peace~
Pastor Ernie